Tech & Gadgets

5G vs. 4G: What’s the Difference?


Is 5G only about being a faster internet connection than 4G? Is there anything more that it can offer? 5G is the next generation of cellular technology. Yes, its speeds will be up to 100 times faster than 4G. This means it will deliver the performance needed for a world that’s interconnected and online. What you should also know is that 5G won’t replace 4G; both networks will coexist for many years. Let’s see how 5G is different from 4G.


Let’s start with a common activity. When you download a high-definition movie over 4G, it takes about 50 minutes on average. With 5G, it will take about nine. So you can enjoy significantly faster network speeds with 5G.

Network Slicing

5G allows easier network slicing than 4G. The network can be split to tailor speed, capacity, coverage, encryption, and security by redirecting resources from one ‘slice’ of the network to another that needs it. Each slice relies on a specific slice SIM, which is stored in your 5G SIM.


Here, 5G is miles ahead of 4G. Latency is the time needed between sending and receiving information. On 4G, the latency is 200 milliseconds, whereas, on 5G, it is an incredible 1 millisecond. This means the development of new services and devices like connected cars, vehicle-to-vehicle information, virtual-reality gaming, remote surgical operations, and translation services. Low latency makes 5G great for the Internet of Things.


5G will also see the setting up of private mobile networks and increased network access by third-party suppliers. This adds up to a massive security risk. To mitigate it, the EU has called for a dialogue between vendors, network operators, and regulators to implement certain solutions. EU’s GDPR, the reference for data protection since 2018, is now preparing the ePrivacy Regulation (ePR). It aims to protect personal data and individual privacy. 5G will allow effective pseudonymization and encryption of personal data.

So, 5G will be faster, deliver new levels of connectivity, and power an interconnected world like never before. As long as we’re careful, we’re going to be in for a new level of entertainment, enhanced sporting experiences, products, and services that we didn’t think were possible until now, and smooth video conferencing.

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